Ad Formats & Types

Here's a list of all our available ad formats and how you use them for different type of goals.

Google Ad Formats

Google Search Ad

What it is: Search ads are a text-only ad format. It allows you to display your website at the top of Google search results, and drive more traffic to your website.

When you type a keyword into Google, you get a list of different results on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). You can see both paid and organic sources. Paid search results appear at the top, and they feature a little green box with the word ‘Ad’.

Tips and goals: Selecting the right keywords will help you attract the right audience. The more specific keywords, the more likely you are to get more clicks and more conversions.

Google Native Ads

What it is: The Native Ad format matches the look and feel of the website or app you're advertising on. Visitors will know they’re ads, but they look great next to the content or articles they read. Usually, they're shown as a recommended article or displayed along side a relevant blog post or news site.

When you visit a blog or a news site, you'll often see a new topic right below called "Related article" or "Popular topics". Native ads are often displayed here as a relevant story. 

Tips and goals: Try to offer some kind of content or value upfront without selling anything. Add an interesting image and a compelling headline.

Google Display (Banner) Ads

What it is: Display ads will give your business visibility when people are browsing online on the Google Display Network (GDN), watching YouTube videos, checking Gmail, or using mobile devices and apps. The GDN reaches 90% of Internet users worldwide, across millions of websites, news pages, blogs, and Google sites like Gmail and YouTube.

Tips and goals: Banner ads are very efficient to use in retargeting. If you browse hotels, you'll often be retargeted by the same ads on different web pages. Use engaging images and bold, big text.

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