Tracking Conversions In Adline

Tracking Conversions & Events Using The Adline Tracking Code


When you register your account for the first time, Adline generates a unique tracking code that you need to place on your website. This code enables you to not only track conversions, but also everything that happens on your website. 

Install the tracking code on your website by following this guide.

When the script is installed and you're collecting data, we recommend to do the following;

  • Go to Manage events > Select the buttons you want to track.
    • We track all clickable elements on your website including buttons, links and images with links, emails and phone numbers.
  • Select buttons such as “Register now”, “Buy now” or “Book a demo”. Buttons that indicate a buying intent.
  • You can also select destination pages such as “/thank-you” or “/confirmation”. This is sometimes called a “hard conversion”.
  • In the next couple of days, you’ll see what channels, campaigns, and pages generate the most conversions.

This data will also feed our algorithm with valuable insights we can use to improve the ad campaign performance even more!