Trouble With Conversion Tracking?

If you have trouble tracking conversions or seeing events in your dashboard, it can be due to a lot of reasons. For example, old website CMS, a custom-built website, tracking script is not installed in the header, too little or too much data coming into your website.

Here are some other common reasons;

  • You have links/buttons on your website that is hard to identify. Make sure the links/buttons on your website either contains a CSS or HTML tag or text.
  • Sometimes when you copy/paste the code from a forwarded email, for instance, some symbols might be converted in the process. To make sure the code is correct, copy/paste the tracking script directly from your Adline account.
  • IOS14/some web browsers have made it harder for 3rd party software to track websites. If this is the case, here's some good news; Adline is updating and improving the tracking code, and will launch the new version Summer 2021 - July/August.
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